Frater is the root of other English words such as fraternity. Originally the Grey Friars, their habits are now brown. These preferred emphases are what make up each particular spiritual system. They are called also Friars Minor; and in England, Gray Friars, because they wear a gray habit. The Franciscan Order abounds in symbolism. Unlike the Dominicans or Jesuits that have very clearly defined modes of theology, the Franciscans tend to be very experiential and personal, meaning that naming it is about as allusive as catching an electron: we know it’s there, and it’s certainly important, but there is just no way of fitting it neatly into a box. The various lesser foundations of Franciscan friars following the rule of the first order, which once enjoyed a separate or quasi-separate existence, are now either extinct, like the Clareni, Coletani, and Celestines, or have become amalgamated with the Friars Minor, as in the case of the Observants, Reformati, Recollects, Alcantarines, etc. Franciscan spirituality, then, is that spirituality which comes from St. Francis and evolved within the Franciscan order. The various lesser foundations of Franciscan friars following the rule of the first order, which once enjoyed a separate or quasi-separate existence, are now either extinct, like the Clareni, Coletani, and Celestines, or have become amalgamated with the Friars Minor, as in the case of the Observants, Reformati, Recollects, Alcantarines, etc. The Franciscan Order (and similar orders that sprang from it like the Sisters of St. Clare) concerns its spirituality with that of their mentor. What does Franciscans mean? The official web site of the National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States of America. Now, for those of us Secular Franciscans in English-speaking countries, we used to list the English abberviations -- "SFO" for " Secular Franciscan Order " -- after our names. It has its own unique emphasis which characterizes it as “Franciscan”. In fact it embodies so much inner meaning that practically everything that is Franciscan transcends mere outward appearances. A general schema for Franciscan spirituality would look like this: 1. One of the rules laid down by their pious founder was that the brethren should always be clad like the poorest of the poor. A monk or friar of the Order of St. Francis, a large and zealous order of mendicant monks founded in 1209 by St. Francis of Assisi. Meaning of Franciscans. ... Rate this definition: Franciscans. When St. Francis of Assisi founded the Franciscan Order, he used the word “friar” because he intended its members to live as brothers without distinction of rank, title, or education. Friars of the Order of St Francis of Assisi. That way, everyone, regardless of country/language, has the same acronym, which emphasizes the universality of the order and has the side benefit of reducing confusion. The word “friar” comes from the Latin word “frater,” meaning brother. St. Francis founded the Secular Franciscans in 1212 for those who do not live in a religious community, yet desired to follow the Franciscan way of life. The Secular Franciscan Order is an Order within the Roman Catholic Church, and was founded by Saint Francis of Assisi. The Franciscans live the Gospel in poverty, to work for their daily meals, to offer all they have for the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. The word friar comes from the Latin word frater, meaning brother.Frater is the root of other English words such as fraternal, fraternity, fratricide, and fraternize.When St. Francis of Assisi founded the Franciscan order, he used the word friar because he intended its members to live as brothers without distinction of rank, title, or education.

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