Some smaller varieties have two cavities, globe-shaped varieties typically have three to five, beefsteak tomatoes have a great number of smaller cavities, while paste tomatoes have very few, very small cavities. Tomato, (Solanum lycopersicum), flowering plant of the nightshade family , cultivated extensively for its edible fruits. For other uses, see, Edible berry of the tomato plant, Solanum lycopersicum, The Aztecs, Richard F. Townsend [Thames and Hudson:London], revised edition 2000 (p. 180-1), SILVERTOWN, J. The species originated in Central and South America. This was widely cross-bred to produce red fruit without the typical green ring around the stem on uncross-bred varieties. [40], Alexander W. Livingston receives much credit for developing numerous varieties of tomato for both home and commercial gardeners. The technical procedures … [citation needed], After an insect attack tomato plants produce systemin, a plant peptide hormone . Solanum cerasiforme. Hydroponic technique is often used in hostile growing environments, as well as high-density plantings. [21][22] A prerelease version of the genome was made available in December 2009. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. [41] The U.S. Department of Agriculture's 1937 yearbook declared that "half of the major varieties were a result of the abilities of the Livingstons to evaluate and perpetuate superior material in the tomato." In France, Italy and northern Europe, the tomato was initially grown as an ornamental plant. [13][14][15], For propagation, the seeds need to come from a mature fruit, and be dried or fermented before germination. As a floral device to reduce selfing, the pistil of wild tomatoes extends farther out of the flower than today's cultivars. [29]:17 One of the earliest cultivators was John Gerard, a barber-surgeon. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to Red tomatoes with PLU code in a supermarket. Nylon pantyhose is used for tying to reduce stem damage. [77] The report will display the kingdom and all … [citation needed]. [24] Since many other fruits, like strawberries, apples, melons, and bananas share the same characteristics and genes, researchers stated the published genome could help to improve food quality, food security and reduce costs of all of these fruits. Several species of umbellifer are therefore often grown with tomato plants, including parsley, Queen Anne's lace, and occasionally dill. The U.S. Supreme Court settled this controversy on May 10, 1893, by declaring that the tomato is a vegetable, based on the popular definition that classifies vegetables by use—they are generally served with dinner and not dessert (Nix v. Hedden (149 U.S. 304)). Botanically, a tomato is a fruit—a berry, consisting of the ovary, together with its seeds, of a flowering plant. Female P. operculella use the leaves to lay their eggs and the hatched larvae will eat away at the mesophyll of the leaf. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center at UC Davis is a gene bank of wild relatives, monogenic mutants and miscellaneous genetic stocks of tomato. [29]:17 Nonetheless, he believed it was poisonous[29]:17 (in fact, the plant and raw fruit do have low levels of tomatine, but are not generally dangerous; see below). The University of California, Davis (UC Davis) became a major center for research on the tomato. A red or yellow berry, though cultivars exist in oranges, greens, pinks, and purples in various sizes. [citation needed], Most tomato plants have compound leaves, and are called regular leaf (RL) plants, but some cultivars have simple leaves known as potato leaf (PL) style because of their resemblance to that particular relative. The tomato arrived in India by the way of Portuguese explorers, in the 16th century. [citation needed]. [citation needed], The wild ancestor of the tomato is native to western South America. 2004Q-0201)", "Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to lycopene and protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage (ID 1608, 1609, 1611, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1899, 1942, 2081, 2082, 2142, 2374), protection of the skin from UV-induced (including photo-oxidative) damage (ID 1259, 1607, 1665, 2143, 2262, 2373), contribution to normal cardiac function (ID 1610, 2372), and maintenance of normal vision (ID 1827) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006", "Queen's Park This Week: Will new carding rules make a difference? [20] Scientists are continuing to develop tomatoes with new traits not found in natural crops, such as increased resistance to pests or environmental stresses. (C) Branched inflorescence of the species S. crispum. Pochodzi z Ameryki Południowej lub Środkowej. Root-knot nematodes (specifically Meloidogyne incognita) on variety 'Pixie', Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on variety 'Pixie', 'Super Fantastic' flower closeup, Warren County, NC, Assortment of tomatoes in a sunroom (May 25). They are also used in gazpacho (Spanish cuisine) and pa amb tomàquet (Catalan cuisine). Tomatoes keep best unwashed at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. Besides cosmetic damage, the splits may allow decay to start, although growing fruits have some ability to heal after a split. However, this tactic has limitations, for the incorporation of certain traits, such as pathogen resistance, can negatively impact other favorable phenotypes (fruit production, etc.). Solanum lycopersicum L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Solanum (family Solanaceae ). These varieties are usually known for their place of origin as much as by a variety name. Solanum lycopersicum L. var. Several US states have adopted the tomato as a state fruit or vegetable (see above). Plant 93 Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae). Leaves and stems cause headaches, abdominal pain, dilated pupils, vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, severe gastrointestinal upset, circulatory and respiratory depression, and loss of sensation if eaten in large quantities. Small amounts of tomato foliage are sometimes used for flavoring without ill effect, and the green fruit of unripe red tomato varieties is sometimes used for cooking, particularly as fried green tomatoes. [29]:17, However, by the mid-18th century, tomatoes were widely eaten in Britain, and before the end of that century, the Encyclopædia Britannica stated the tomato was "in daily use" in soups, broths, and as a garnish. The largest tomato plant grown was of the cultivar "Sungold" and reached 19.8 m (65 ft) in length, grown by Nutriculture Ltd (UK) of Mawdesley, Lancashire, UK, in 2000. Hence genetic design of a commercial variety that combines the advantages of types u and U requires fine tuning, but may be feasible. [3] This was exacerbated by the interaction of the tomato's acidic juice with pewter plates. cerasiforme (Dunal) Spooner, G.J. Nicotiana tabacum, originally from South America, is now cultivated throughout the world to produce tobacco. Tomatoes have been part of European life for fewer than 500 years. Unique varieties were developed over the next several hundred years for uses such as dried tomatoes, sauce tomatoes, pizza tomatoes, and tomatoes for long-term storage. The tomato belongs to the nightshade family, Solanaceae.

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