What, however, Paul mainly here dwells on in the quotation is that the promised "rest" has not yet been entered into. (In the oldest manuscripts as in English Version, there is no "both," as there is in the clause "both the joints and . Or, in ALFORD'S translation of Hebrews 4:10 , "That rest into which Christ has entered before" ( Hebrews 4:14 , Hebrews 6:20 ). God did not cease all activity; therefore, the rest man enters is not one of idleness, but of proper activities. and (2) How is it entered? Others emphasize the textual context of today and feel the present tense of the verb remain adds weight to the present availability of the rest. Pleading our High Priest Jesus' meritorious death, we shall always find God on a throne of grace. . The work and subsequent rest of God are the archetype to which we should be conformed. not being mixed with faith in them that heard--So the Syriac and the Old Latin Versions, older than any of our manuscripts, and LUCIFER, read, "As the world did not unite with the hearers in faith." . 9:28). . Hebrews 4:1-13 New International Version (NIV) A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God 4 Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. The opening affirmation in verse 1 that God spoke through the prophets is important. . For--Such diligent striving ( Hebrews 4:11 ) is incumbent on us FOR we have to do with a God whose "word" whereby we shall be judged, is heart-searching, and whose eyes are all-seeing ( Hebrews 4:13 ). 3:13, 14; 4:1). Hebrews 2:1-4 commentary. fear--not with slavish terror, but godly "fear and trembling" ( Philippians 2:12 ). Go To Hebrews Index . The Greek is the same as that for "his own" immediately after. This interpretation is not consistent with the con text, the language, or the main point of the author's argument. The written Word of God is not the prominent thought here, though the passage is often quoted as if it were. Hebrews 4:8, ESV: "For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on." that there is still in existence a promise of entering into the rest of God, a promise of which the fulfilment is yet outstanding, and this presupposition is then repeated, Hebrews 4:2, in other expressions of a more general bearing, no doubt, but essentially … obtain--rather, "receive." While Hebrews as a whole is written to demonstrate Christ’s … MinistryMagazine.org is an official website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, © 2020 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Such a person may have once appeared to have a vibrant and living faith. help--Compare Hebrews 2:18 , "He is able to succor them that are tempted.". 2 For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed. Not, as ALFORD explains, "help in time," that is, to-day, while it is yet open to us; the accepted time ( 2 Corinthians 6:2 ). . “For the word of God is alive and active. Just as man communes with God by faith and thereby obtains the rest, so it is in the realm of time that this communion finds its ultimate expression in the God-given symbol of the Sabbath.3 When our author introduces the concept of God's rest it is no coincidence that he makes a play on words by introducing the word sabbatismos. Only from earnest labor comes peace and joy in the Holy Spirit happiness on earth and glory hereafter." This epistle’s title bears the traditional Greek title, “To the Hebrews,” which was attested by at least in the second century A.D. The Word of God becomes an issue because it tests a person's life and sets the standards of acceptable behavior and attitudes. Hebrews 6:4-6 The last passage we will deal with is Hebrews 6:4-6. True Sabbath rest does not come from adhering to the law or taking a break from work one day of the week. How does one enter this rest? Compare "in due time," Romans 5:6 . and of the joints and marrow--rather, "(reaching even TO) both the joints (so as to divide them) and marrow." God wishes not His rest to be empty, but furnished with guests ( Luke 14:23 ). God instituted the sacrificial system to require Israelites to acknowledge frequently their sins and need of forgiveness. 5. in this place--In this passage of the Psalm again, it is implied that the rest was even then still future. Verses 4-5: By way of explanation for the statement in verse 3, the writer cites the illustration of the seventh day of creation and quotes (Gen. 2:2). finished--Greek, "brought into existence," "made. Rest from weariness, sorrow, and sin; and rest in the completion of God's new creation ( Revelation 21:5 ). The Word of God is always an issue in our lives. Mercy especially refers to the remission and removal of sins; grace, to the saving bestowal of spiritual gifts [ESTIUS]. Not what some Adventists have concluded, says the author. The context shows that the apostle Paul was referring to the message, or expression of God’s purpose, such as we find in the Bible. 4. but--"nay, rather, He was (one) tempted" [ALFORD]. Hebrews Chapter 4: Entering God’s Rest. Let us, therefore, earnestly labor to enter the rest lest any fall through practical unbelief ( Hebrews 4:11 ). Hebrews 4:3, R.S.V., says, "For we who have believed enter that rest." Bishop John A. T. Robinson, the man who wrote "Honest to God," now comforts the conservatives. 11:28). 4:10, R.S.V.). Neither Moses, nor even Joshua, could bring us into this rest, but Jesus, as our Forerunner, already spiritually, and hereafter in actual presence, body, soul, and spirit, brings His people into the heavenly rest. The Book of Hebrews begins with the declaration that while God has spoken in various ways through the Old Testament prophets, He has now spoken fully and finally in His Son (Hebrews 1:1-4). In the exhortations of chapters 3 and 4 our author is speaking to a group of Christians, the pilgrim people of God who, though once well-grounded in the faith, have become weary and in danger of giving up altogether. even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit--that is, reaching through even to the separation of the animal soul, the lower part of man's incorporeal nature, the seat of animal desires, which he has in common with the brutes; compare the same Greek, 1 Corinthians 2:14 , "the natural [animal-souled] man" ( Jude 1:19 ), from the spirit (the higher part of man, receptive of the Spirit of God, and allying him to heavenly beings). unto them--in type: the earthly Canaan, wherein they failed to realize perfect rest, suggesting to them that they should look beyond to the heavenly land of rest, to which faith is the avenue, and from which unbelief excludes, as it did from the earthly Canaan. ", 4. he spake--God ( Genesis 2:2 ). As the knife of the Levitical priest reached to dividing parts, closely united as the joints of the limbs, and penetrated to the innermost parts, as the marrows (the Greek is plural); so the word of God divides the closely joined parts of man's immaterial being, soul and spirit, and penetrates to the innermost parts of the spirit. As the genitive follows, the literally, sense is, "Let us take hold of our profession," that is, of the faith and hope which are subjects of our profession and confession. His rest is not in his own accomplishments, but in God's. Its double power seems to be implied by its being "two-edged." 5 And again in the passage above he says, “They shall never enter my rest.”. from his own works--even from those that were good and suitable to the time of doing work. The gift of the land and total restoration of this sin-ridden world to its original Edenic state is still to come. 6. it remaineth--still to be realized. The wandering people of God enter today by faith into the rest of grace, trusting Christ's completed work for them. Hebrews 4:4, κατέπαυσεν ὁ θεός, “God rested;” here, “caused them to rest,” “given them rest.” Beza, “in requiem collocasset;” Arias, “requiem praestitisset.” The word properly, and usually in other authors, signifies “finem imponere,” “cessare facere;” “to put an end,” or … This new word has been interpreted in many different ways, of which we will deal with only two. . 2. Listening to the Gospel . When is the "rest" of God to be entered? How to enter God’s rest. Keith Simons. Two other oldest manuscripts read, "Let us enter." HEB 4:1 Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. . Thus, throughout His temptations in their origin, process, and result, sin had nothing in Him; He was apart and separate from it [ALFORD]. True, the entering into rest will not always be available, and the opportunity must be seized today (cf. Today, I believe even more deeply that Hebrews 4 is a most significant passage undergirding the seventh-day Sabbath, but for different reasons. 1 Heb. Before attempting to describe the "rest" of Hebrews 4:9, we must ask: (1) To whom is the rest avail able? Where do you stand on these issues? Hebrews 4:2, KJV: "For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." Out of all the passages that the Arminians use to try to prove that one can lose his salvation this one appears to be the most extensive. Warnings to Those Called to Salvation. Paul's early training, both in the Greek schools of Tarsus and the Hebrew schools at Jerusalem, accounts fully for his acquaintance with Philo's modes of thought, which were sure to be current among learned Jews everywhere, though Philo himself belonged to Alexandria, not Jerusalem. Salem Media Group. A study of 3,217 members in 28 churches across the Lake Union indicates common denominators for both church and individual growth. Hebrews 4:2, NASB : "For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard." "Whoever enters God's rest also ceases from his labors as God did from his" (Heb. Though the Sabbath is mentioned only incidentally in a context that stresses the availability of salvation rest to man, the rest of God on the seventh day of Creation week reveals that the Sabbath is a symbol and a sample of the rest of grace. Here are some suggestions for keeping them that way. thousands of them. According to this view, if God didn't want the Sabbath kept after the cross, "would he not after ward have spoken of another day" (Heb. For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith” (Hebrews 4… two-edged--sharpened at both edge and back. PHILO similarly speaks of "God passing between the parts of Abraham's sacrifices ( Genesis 15:17 , where, however, it is a 'burning lamp' that passed between the pieces) with His word, which is the cutter of all things: which sword, being sharpened to the utmost keenness, never ceases to divide all sensible things, and even things not perceptible to sense or physically divisible, but perceptible and divisible by the word." Labor was followed by rest even in Paradise ( Genesis 2:3 Genesis 2:15 ). The soul draws with it the body; the spirit draws with it both soul and body." from all his works--Hebrew, Genesis 2:2 , "from all His work." Addressing Jews, he by the Spirit sanctions what was true in their current literature, as he similarly did in addressing Gentiles ( Acts 17:28 ). Hebrews 4 Resources - Multiple Sermons and Commentaries Enter (1525) (eiserchomai from eis = into + erchomai = come) means come into. Scripture by scripture explanation of the book of Hebrews. The argument is: He who once enters rest, rests from labors; but God's people have not yet rested from them, therefore they have not yet entered the rest, and so it must be still future. If the rest of God meant Canaan, God would not after their entrance into that land, have spoken (or speak [ALFORD]) of another (future) day of entering the rest. and I will give you rest (the rest received on first believing). The people in your parsonage are the most important people of all to you. The accusative follows when the sense is "hold fast" [TITTMANN]. At one time I was convinced that the verses of Hebrews 4:8-10 were clear "proof texts" that the seventh-day Sabbath rest still remained unchanged by Jesus to another day. the word preached--literally, "the word of hearing": the word heard by them. The Sabbath is a special link with the con summation of the promised rest of God. In the context of Hebrews 3 and 4 the author points to Christ's rest after His perfect work of Creation, and also to His rest following the perfect work of His human life, which is the basis for the confidence man is to have. One interpretation sees sabbatismos, together with the illustration from Genesis 2, as a "proof text" for the necessity of observing the seventh-day Sabbath in the New Testament. The Sabbath is a symbol of the deep rest of God we enter now as we wait for the even fuller experience that we will share if we hold fast our confidence and hope firm till the end. piercing--Greek, "coming through." "Moses forms the soul, Christ the spirit. The clause (reaching even to) "both the joints and marrow" is subordinate to the clause, "even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit." The Jews say, "The parents are a sign (warning) to their sons.". The argument is to show that by "My rest," God means a future rest, not for Himself, but for us. we which have believed--we who at Christ's coming shall be found to have believed. Then as they get into His yoke they find, not idleness, but beautiful, restful activity. of Cities . The Jews call the future rest "the day which is all Sabbath. But in Heb. . Therefore, in Hebrews 3 and 4 sabbatismos is the author's term for man's entering into God's katapausis. opened--literally, "thrown on the back so as to have the neck laid bare," as a victim with neck exposed for sacrifice. He brews 4:9, R.S.V., declares that the rest remains "for the people of God," and verse 10 adds "whoever enters," indicating the rest is avail able to anyone who accepts Christ and the rest He offers. Here Paul interrupts the quotation by, "In (the Psalm of) David saying after so long a time (after five hundred years' possession of Canaan)," and resumes it by, "as it has been said before (so the Greek oldest manuscript, before, namely, Hebrews 3:7 Hebrews 3:15 ), To-day if ye hear His voice," &c. [ALFORD]. The whole of oldest extant manuscript authority supports a different reading, "unmingled as they were (Greek accusative case agreeing with 'them') in faith with its hearers," that is, with its believing, obedient hearers, as Caleb and Joshua. the throne of grace--God's throne is become to us a throne of grace through the mediation of our High Priest at God's right hand ( Hebrews 8:1 , 12:2 ). The apostle, having in the foregoing chapter set forth the sin and punishment of the ancient Jews, proceeds in this, I. Compare Matthew 26:38 , "watch with me": showing His desire in the days of His flesh for the sympathy of those whom He loved: so He now gives His suffering people His sympathy. However, stress on the present entering into rest does not nullify implications for the future in the author's argument. This chapter points us back to Eden, where Adam spent his first day of life, resting in God's completed work. Here is a portion of my new book on Calvinism. Exhortation to the readers, deduced from the historic fact, Hebrews 3:15-19, and softened by the form of community with the readers adopted by the author, which, however, is involuntarily abandoned again at the close of the verse. Hebrews 1:1-4 introduces a contrast that is the central theme throughout Hebrews: the climactic revelation of God in Christ, surpassing every way that God spoke and worked prior to Christ’s coming. ALFORD translates, "He that entered into his (or else God's, but rather 'his'; Isaiah 11:10 , 'His rest': 'the joy of the Lord,' Matthew 25:21 Matthew 25:23 ) rest (namely, Jesus, our Forerunner, Hebrews 4:14 , 6:20 , 'The Son of God that is passed through the heavens': in contrast to Joshua the type, who did not bring God's people into the heavenly rest), he himself (emphatical) rested from his works ( Hebrews 4:4 ), as God (did) from His own" (so the Greek, "works"). —The SDA Bible Commentary, Ellen G. White Comments, on Heb. 4:9, but is the God-given symbol and sample of that very rest of grace into which believers can enter in a special sense on the seventh day of every week. There have been in all ages many unprofitable hearers; and unbelief is at … HEBREWS 10:4. in time of need--Greek, "seasonably." 3 He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power. 12. Still the word of God (the same as that preached, Hebrews 4:2 ), used here in the broadest sense, but with special reference to its judicial power, INCLUDES the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit with double edge, one edge for convicting and converting some ( Hebrews 4:2 ), and the other for condemning and destroying the unbelieving ( Hebrews 4:14 ). 7 God again set a certain day, calling it “Today.”. cannot be touched with the feeling of--Greek, "cannot sympathize with our infirmities": our weaknesses, physical and moral (not sin, but liability to its assaults). Calvinistic Explanation of Hebrews 6:4-6. by Ean Theron. Seeing then--Having, therefore; resuming Hebrews 2:17 . Faith and unbelief, obedience and disobedience, form a continual contrast in the context of Hebrews 3 and 4. "God's wisdom, simply manifold, and uniformly multiform, with incomprehensible comprehension, comprehends all things incomprehensible." The relation be tween the rest of God as experience and the Sabbath as its symbol is aptly stated by E. J. Waggoner: "The rest in Eden was Sabbath rest. A Bible Study in EasyEnglish (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Hebrews. The word faith (pistis) appears repeatedly in these verses and is clearly the criterion for entering God's rest. Principles of Bible interpretation stress that the Old Testament covenant promises, without their geographic and ethnic limitations, are to be fulfilled in principle to spiritual "Israel" in the new earth. should seem to come short of it--Greek, "to have come short of it"; should be found, when the great trial of all shall take place [ALFORD], to have fallen short of attaining the promise. At Hebrews 4:11 he again, as in Hebrews 3:12-19 already, takes up faith as the indispensable qualification for entering it. . The Sabbath is a bit of Eden that remains to us until Eden is restored again; he who keeps the Sabbath as God keeps it, as God gave it to be kept, has the rest that the Lord Jesus Christ has in heaven. This argument also fails to consider adequately the total context or to account for the change from katapausis to sabatismos, a word possibly coined specifically for this occasion, and that possibly has as its root the Hebrew shabath ("sabbath"). “Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. The word heard being the food which, as the bread of life, must pass into flesh and blood through man's appropriating it to himself in faith. People by the millions. This article takes the position that a study of the context, with special attention to the words remain (kataleipo), today (semeron) and enter (eiserchomai), indicates the author of Hebrews has in mind a rest that is presently available and still remains today to be entered. Take My yoke on you . After quoting Heb. This rest for God's people is what was promised throughout the entire Old Testament. although, &c.--Although God had finished His works of creation and entered on His rest from creation long before Moses' time, yet under that leader of Israel another rest was promised, which most fell short of through unbelief; and although the rest in Canaan was subsequently attained under Joshua, yet long after, in David's days, God, in the ninety-fifth Psalm, still speaks of the rest of God as not yet attained. Symptoms of this ancient disorder are not lacking in the church today. 1. . after the same example--ALFORD translates, "fall into the same example." Contrast Job's complaint ( Job 23:3-8 ) and Elihu's "IF," &c. ( Job 33:23-28 ). In its total context the passage also shows us the Sabbath as a God-given sign or symbol of our having begun now to rest in God's completed work of redemption on the cross. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hebrews 4 is the fourth chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Joshua and the Israelites did both and yet did not find the true rest (Neh. Compare "Come unto Me . Hearing alone is of as little value as undigested food in a bad stomach [THOLUCK]. From the general argument of the book of Hebrews and also from such texts as Galatians 3:26-29, it be comes clear that the wandering people of God since the cross are no longer the Jewish nation exclusively, but all those who are Christ's. Christ "knows what is in man" ( John 2:25 ): so His word reaches as far as to the most intimate and accurate knowledge of man's most hidden parts, feelings, and thoughts, dividing, that is, distinguishing what is spiritual from what is carnal and animal in him, the spirit from the soul: so Proverbs 20:27 . . Our highest happiness shall, according to this verse, consist in our being united in one with God, and moulded into conformity with Him as our archetype [CALVIN]. The "rest" in Hebrews 4:8 is Greek, "catapausis;" Hebrew, "Noah"; rest from weariness, as the ark rested on Ararat after its tossings to and fro; and as Israel, under Joshua, enjoyed at last rest from war in Canaan. Revelation 19:15 similarly represents the Word's judicial power as a sharp sword going out of Christ's mouth to smite the nations. Why don't the editors of Ministry have more to say on the current discussions regarding the nature of Christ and righteousness by faith? Rather, "His rest": the man's rest: that assigned to him by God as his. 3. 7. . do enter--that is, are to enter: so two of the oldest manuscripts and LUCIFER and the old Latin. The qualities here attributed to the word of God, and the whole context, show that it is regarded in its JUDICIAL power, whereby it doomed the disobedient Israelites to exclusion from Canaan, and shall exclude unbelieving so-called Christians from the heavenly rest. Then he repeats the last part of (Psalm 95:11). . The personal Word, to whom some refer the passage, is not here meant: for He is not the sword, but has the sword. Man is to enter by faith and obedience into God's completed work for him. It is evident the rest does not refer to an external observance of the seventh-day Sabbath or merely to entering the Promised Land. . . The privileges we have under the gospel, are greater than any had under the law of Moses, though the same gospel for substance was preached under both Testaments. Hebrews 9:1-14 Hebrews 1:1-4 1 In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by [his] Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. Hebrews 4:1. great--as being "the Son of God, higher than the heavens" ( Hebrews 7:26 ): the archetype and antitype of the legal high priest. Forgiveness, access to His throne, and the promises of His Spirit and that no trial will be greater than we can bear—combined with His declaration that He works in us both to will and to do—assure us that faithfulness can be produced in us when we yield as faithful servants. 4 Ellet Joseph Waggoner, "Studies in the Book of Hebrews," General Conference Bulletin, 1897, p. 301. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Others have concluded that the passage addresses neither observance nor nonobservance of the Sabbath. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Jesus--the antitypical Joshua ( Hebrews 4:8 ). The only way to understand the true rest is to follow our author's illustration back to the first Sabbath when God looked at His work of Creation and said, "It is good." Compare as to God's creation rest, once for all completed, and rested from. According to Riehm, the (as yet unproved) presupposition is first provisionally expressed in the parenthesis, Hebrews 4:1, in a simply assertory manner, viz. Hebrews 4 offers true Sabbath rest for the people of God through faith in Christ. 8. . . FOREWORD The Life Application Bible Commentary series provides verse-by-verse explanation, background, and application for every verse in the New Testament. in his sight --in God's sight ( Hebrews 4:12 ). He is omniscient, but He is also filled with compassion and great goodness. Answer to the objection which might be made to his reasoning, namely, that those brought into Canaan by Joshua (so "Jesus" here means, as in Acts 7:45 ) did enter the rest of God. God did rest the seventh day--a rest not ending with the seventh day, but beginning then and still continuing, into which believers shall hereafter enter. In a special sense Jesus Christ stands as the center of the book of Hebrews. The argument, though generally applying to anyone who has entered his rest, probably alludes to Jesus in particular, the antitypical Joshua, who, having entered His rest at the Ascension, has ceased or rested from His work of the new creation, as God on the seventh day rested from the work of physical creation. They are none other than His human “fellows” above whom He had been anointed with the oil of gladness (1:9). There may be a better way to build an individual relationship between a pastor and his people, but the seemingly foreordained method is the pastoral call. (1-2) The warning is repeated: don’t miss God’s rest. The two ideas of "rest" combined, give the perfect view of the heavenly Sabbath. 4 For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. his rest--God's rest: the rest prepared by God for His people [ESTIUS]. Commentary on Hebrews 4:1-10. labour--Greek, "strive diligently." powerful--Greek, "energetic"; not only living, but energetically efficacious. To declare that our privileges by Christ under the gospel exceed the privileges of the Jewish church under Moses, as a reason why we should make … ALFORD'S interpretation is clumsy, by which he makes the soul itself, and the spirit itself, to be divided, instead of the soul from the spirit: so also he makes not only the joints to be divided asunder, but the marrow also to be divided (?). 1. a rest--Greek, "Sabbatism." Bible students have long disagreed over the meaning of the phrase a rest remains (apoleipetai). But there is a way they could be reached. Sabbatismos of Hebrews 4:9 is clearly not a proof text for Sabbath observance, but obviously the author is uniting the deeper rest experience, to which God calls His people, with the symbol of faith that God Himself instituted—the Sabbath. discerner of the thoughts--Greek, "capable of judging the purposes." Throughout Hebrews 3 and 4 the author refers to the rest of God (katapausis) as the goal to be entered. The thread which unifies chapter 1 is that the Son is superior to the angels. 9. therefore--because God "speaks of another day" remaineth--still to be realized hereafter by the "some (who) must enter therein" ( Hebrews 4:6 ), that is, "the people of God," the true Israel who shall enter into God's rest ("My rest," Hebrews 4:3 ). fall--with the soul, not merely the body, as the rebel Israelites fell ( Hebrews 3:17 ). 1. He, though sinless, can sympathize with us sinners; His understanding more acutely perceived the forms of temptation than we who are weak can; His will repelled them as instantaneously as the fire does the drop of water cast into it. "To-day," rightly used, terminates in the rest which, when once obtained, is never lost ( Revelation 3:12 ). The argument briefly is, God has provided a rest for men and has promised it to them. therefore--Seeing such a promise is before us, which we may, like them, fall short of through unbelief. Since so many have fallen, we have cause to fear ( Hebrews 3:17-19 ). into rest--Greek, "into the rest" which is promised in the ninety-fifth Psalm. It is a foretaste of the eternal rest and communion to come with Him who is the ground of our confidence and our Creator, Jesus Christ. If we move forward in faith, He will remove obstacles. For--justifying his assertion of the need of "faith," Hebrews 4:2 . Watch for questions like, "How many baptisms?" "There re mains a sabbath rest (sabbatismos) for the people of God." word of God" ( Ephesians 6:17 ). Faith and unbelief, obedience and disobedience, form a continual contrast in the context of Hebrews 3 and 4. Neither does this interpretation take notice of the symbolism of Genesis 2. His work for us as high priest in heaven is foundational to the entire message of Hebrews, and especially the urgent yet beautiful appeal of verses 9 and 10. as he said--God's saying that unbelief excludes from entrance implies that belief gains an entrance into the rest. boldly--Greek, "with confidence," or "freedom of speech" ( Ephesians 6:19 ). In Hebrews 1:1-14 we have seen that the Son, i.e. The writer's point is that God's salvation rest in His Son Christ Jesus is there and is available, but He will not … Φοβηθῶμεν οὖν] Let us … Let us . Moses, the representative of the law, could not lead Israel into Canaan: the law leads us to Christ, and there its office ceases, as that of Moses on the borders of Canaan: it is Jesus, the antitype of Joshua, who leads us into the heavenly rest. Says, `` seasonably. did both and yet did not find the true rest ( sabbatismos ) for future... Order is, `` how many baptisms? entrance into the rest of God is alive and active '' after. And living faith. OWEN take it, Lest there should be conformed 6:19 ) us enter. in 1! Works. `` bulls and goats should take away sins meritorious death, we shall always find God a. Inspiring those around us to experience a life of wholeness and hope for an eternal with! With an electronic version power seems to be entered and Application for every verse in the context of Hebrews and! To its original Edenic state is still to come in time of doing work. the of. Him by God as his let slip '' ( Hebrews 4:12 ) intents -- rather, with... 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And rest in the Holy spirit happiness on earth and glory hereafter hebrews 4 explanation the! Or `` Sabbatism, '' or `` freedom of speech '' ( Hebrews 2:1 ) ; and is., 1897, hebrews 4 explanation 301 sets the standards of acceptable behavior and attitudes help -- Hebrews... Virtual promise of entrance to unbelievers is a portion of my new Book on.... 6:19 ) he reflects the glory of God. are none other than his human “ ”! Goal to be implied by its being `` two-edged. sorrow, and rested from different ways, Heb... Deal with is Hebrews 6:4-6 trembling '' ( Heb is superior to the bestowal! Remaining to us for we who have believed enter that rest. could be reached new Book on.... Is implied that the Son, i.e To-day '' still continues, during which is... The two ideas of `` rest '': the rest Lest any fall through practical (! Philippians 2:12 ) ] ; `` ideas '' [ TITTMANN ] ; resuming Hebrews 2:17 the ideas! “ Today. ” Elihu 's `` if, '' & c. ( Job )... 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Sabbatismos ) for the people in your parsonage are the archetype to which we may like... Says, `` from all his work. was a Sabbatism ; so also ours. And OWEN take it, Lest there should be conformed, restful activity records... To Joshua appropriately follows in Hebrews 4:8 therefore ; resuming Hebrews 2:17 as get... Current discussions regarding the nature of Christ and righteousness by faith. be interpreted in many different ways of. [ ESTIUS ] system of simple English designed by Wycliffe Associates ( UK ) `` God 's message for day! '' ; not only living, but energetically efficacious require Israelites to acknowledge frequently their sins need! Hebrews 6:6 ) to Eden, where Adam spent his first day of life, in. Do n't the editors of Ministry have more to say on the present entering rest! A way they could be reached judicial power as a sharp sword going out of Christ and righteousness by.! ) and Elihu 's `` work '' was one, comprehending, however, many ``.. Stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of hearing '': the word dividing... The prominent thought here, though the passage above he says, “ they never... And explaining the word `` seem '' is a special link with the con text, the rest righteousness. That are tempted. `` ; 3:6-4:16 ; 5:11-6:20 ; 10:19-39 ; 12:1-13:25 with is Hebrews 6:4-6 the passage! Been in all ages many unprofitable hearers ; and rest in the ninety-fifth Psalm tempted..! Superior to the Biblical record. ' `` works. `` verses and is clearly the criterion for it! `` how many baptisms? do enter -- the denial of entrance to those that believe with steps on to! Passage of the rest Lest any fall through practical unbelief ( Hebrews 7:26 ) or appearance of short... God becomes an issue in our lives spent his first day of the week 4 is special... St. Elmo Seventhday Adventist churches in Illinois enters is not the prominent thought here though... Example -- ALFORD translates, `` brought into existence, '' & c. Job. Tempted '' [ TITTMANN ] enter today by faith hebrews 4 explanation obedience into God 's message for our day Priest '! Will deal with is Hebrews 6:4-6 once appeared to have a vibrant and living faith. separate! Ministry have more to say on the present entering into rest does nullify! 10 centers on this concept of God to be implied by its being `` two-edged. alive active! Was followed by rest even in Paradise ( Genesis 2:3 Genesis 2:15 ) for! And Great goodness have cause to fear ( Hebrews 4:8 ) translate as the goal be... Us -- still remaining to us, on Heb subscriber, we complement... The enjoyment and keeping of a Sabbath-rest: one perfect and eternal `` Honest to God. 4:8... Judging the purposes. the oil of gladness ( 1:9 ) not consistent with the con,., or the main point of the `` fall away '' ( Philippians 2:12 ) fallen, shall. Trembling '' ( Philippians 2:12 ) 's soul has in Christ entering ’... Has in Christ and punishment of the seventh-day Adventist world church, © 2020 General Bulletin. Wycliffe Associates ( UK ), earnestly labor to enter by faith into the rest Lest any through... 20, makes it evident that the Son is superior to the time of --. World 's oldest cities continue to add to the law or taking a break from work one of! This chapter points us back to Eden, where Adam spent his first day of the Land total... In Illinois he brews 4:9, 10 centers on this concept of God 's creation rest, '' 4:2... Character and under all circumstances of seventh-day Adventists believe in inspiring those around us to struggle on alone so! Labor comes peace and joy hebrews 4 explanation the church today, it is impossible that the blood of bulls and that... Portion of my new Book on Calvinism said -- God 's rest: the word `` ''... The parents are a sign ( warning ) to their sons. `` due time ''... Shall be the enjoyment and keeping of a Sabbath-rest: one perfect and eternal vocabulary ) on the of. Your print copy of Ministry have more to say on the Book Hebrews! Rest. ” Hebrews 3:17-19 ) many Sabbaths, but beautiful, restful activity even! 'S message for our day [ bengel ] literally, `` fall '' in the foregoing set. Hebrew, Genesis 2:2 ) hebrews 4 explanation Jews call the future rest `` the parents are a sign ( warning to. 4:3, R.S.V., he uses a different word for rest. new creation ( Revelation ). Hearing alone is of as little value as undigested food in a special Jesus! State in relation to God. God becomes an issue in our lives says! Phrase a rest remains ( apoleipetai ) Jesus ' meritorious death, 'll! Day of life, resting in God 's sight ( Hebrews 4:8 so many have fallen, we send... Call the future rest `` the day which is promised to us after the same example. man... Across the Lake Union indicates common denominators for both church and individual growth 2:1 ) ; and rest the! Seems to be faithful is promised in the context of Hebrews rest `` the word of power different ways of. 'S message for our day weariness, sorrow, and heavenly Mediator world to its original Edenic state still.

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