Since now we know the history behind Joesphs life now we can feel more sympathetic for him and understand what he has gone through. pages cm Summary: “Jack, 12, tells the gripping story of Joseph, 14, who joins his family as a foster child. Created by. His dad doesn’t care about him. I don´t think it was his fault that he got her pregnant but then again he should of known he is too young and yes he has been through a lot. First, he finds out his baby was born then he finds out Madeline died and now he gets cut from a razor wire from his arm to his knee. Throughout much of the novel, Jack is a passive protagonist. He never speaks up for himself. You must choose one of these options and post your response. What name did the librarian give Jack? Also, it does show that Joseph wants to get away from his dreadful life because of all what he’s going through. In chapter 4, Gary Schmidt portrays Joseph as a character with whom readers can sympathize. This also makes the reader sympathizes with Joseph because his love died and he never saw her and never got to keep the baby as memories. I agree with you. Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 7 Summary & Analysis. Publisher's Summary The two-time Newbery Honor winner Gary D. Schmidt delivers the shattering story of Joseph, a father at 13, who has never seen his daughter, Jupiter. Jupiter Joyce 3. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. If Maddie was alive, maybe she and Joseph would have wanted to try raising Jupiter with Jupiter with help from other family member. Write an alternate ending for the book. Your email address will not be published. For example everyday he would walk 7 miles a day to see maddie, even through harsh weathers like snow and rain. In Orbiting Jupiter, Gary D, Schmidt makes Joseph a sympathetic character because he shows how rough of a life Joseph has and how badly he gets treated at home. Learn. The students and the teachers look at him differently. In the story, at the beginning of chapter 5, it describes Joseph getting into a fight with Brian Boss, Nick Porter, and Jay Perkins. Describe two examples from the text where you found yourself feeling sorry for Joseph. Damaged in prison, Joseph wants nothing more than to find his baby daughter, Jupiter, whom he has never seen. The only time he ever saw her was a picture he was given. First Day of School Physical Education Rosie Time It is Joseph's first day of school and right as he is about to walk onto the bus the bus driver mentions Joseph being a dad. Eventually, Maddy has died. 11 likes. KatieCostello. For example, in the novel it says how Maddie was pregnant and they were only 14 years old! Because she never had the opportunity to meet her daughter. Another thing that happened in chapter 4 was his love died of child birth. In this case it would be a good idea for Joesph to give up the baby for adoption because this is something that Maddie would have wanted because she was pregnant at a young age. The reason why I sympathize with Joseph’s is because of all that he has been through. This makes the reader sympathize with Joseph because he feels like he is to blame for her death. When he was with Maddy he was happy and forgot everything around him. Gary D. Schmidt wrote the novel Orbiting Jupiter, in the novel he makes the character Joseph sympathetic in chapter 4. This shows that Joseph is a sympathetic character because he will walk seven miles there and back to see Maddie. I would believe in him. Gravity. He has a daughter that he can’t even see. Chapter 3 Summary. Yes I agree, I felt bad for Joesph because he felt guilty and reasposnible for Maddie’s death. Hi. I feel bad for Joseph because his girlfriend died and he didn’t get to see her because he was in jail. I thought of it the same way it’s probably a horrible feeling for Joseph. He gets bullied in school. On the other hand he used to miserable before he met Maddy and as soon as he is not allowed to see her and found out she was pregnant and then died his life turned upside down. I feel bad for Joseph because he won’t be able to see his daughter and he is in jail and has to give up his rights. I know, it is so sad for the reason they have kids when they were too young. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. In the novel Maddie and Joesph have a baby. I agree with you. more_vert. It seemed worth while because they were so happy when they were finally together but it all ended so poorly. This demonstrates that you would feel sympathetic for Joesph because we know that Joesph isn’t responsible of what happened to Maddie but Joesph feels that he is responsible because he got Maddie pregnant. Right away Joseph steps off the bus and starts to walk. A vocabulary list featuring "Orbiting Jupiter" by Gary D. Schmidt, Chapters 3–4. Mr. Write. That’s true, Joseph had a hard life and maddy was his only enjoyment. He can’t see the baby because she got adopted. If I had the chance of having Joseph in my house I do anything to help him to have a better life. In the story “Orbiting Jupiter” by Gary D Schmidt, the author makes a young boy into a sympathetic character during chapter 4. I disagree with you. Joseph walked so far in the nasty weather to see this girl who he cared so much about. Chapter 7 Summary. Joseph walks 7 miles everyday to see maddy so he can see her and also to escape the troubles that he has. Why do you think Jack checked the library as a place for Joseph? Even though Joseph is 14 he should still be able to see his daughter. Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 6 . Gary D. Schmidt makes Joseph look like a sympathetic character in chapter 4 of Orbiting Jupiter because he makes Joseph look like he feels really genuinely bad for what he felt is his fault. In Orbiting Jupiter, Gary D. Schmidt makes the readers sympathize Joseph because so many bad things happened to him. Required fields are marked *, What is the sum of 3 and 5. What would you have said to the librarian to convince her to let Joseph meet Jupiter? Test. Joseph also feel guilty for her death. Any comment you leave below will be added to the feedback on the draft. I also feel bad for Joseph because he didn’t know that he had the baby until the lady told him that Madeline had the baby already. This is critical because they are two young children and to have a baby at 14 years old is crazy. I would feel guilty too if I was Joseph. The second reason is that his dad doesn’t care about him. Your email address will not be published. This is important because Joseph shows how much he loved and cared for Maddy. Everyone sees him as a bad kid when he is really not. I agree that it was rough how Joseph was abused by his father. Joseph explained that he needed to find Jupiter. Nice! by : Nickolas . I can’t imagine the thoughts that would go through my head. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce, Madeleine's Parents 4. n chapter 4, I sympathize with Joseph because he is always getting picked on. I felt so bad for Joseph because he had to walk so far everyday to see the girl he loved.I don’t understand why his dad couldn’t be like a normal parent and drive their children to there friends house. I think that Joseph can be a bad influence in some situations, such as going onto the frozen river. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be going there and that Maddy’s parents didn’t want him there but he didn’t care. He had walked seven mikes to get there”. I feel sympathetic for joesph at this part of the story to, but not only did joesphs father mentally abuse him but he physically abused him. Think about what you would have preferred to see happen. This also shows that Joseph is willing to get beat everyday to see Maddie because she makes him happy. other search results (4) Galileo Galilei Brief Overview Galileo Galilei quiz that tests what you know about important details and events in the book. The author, Schmidt, made me feel bad for Joseph because of how his own dad doesn’t even love or care for him anymore. After a while, a women came in and told Joesph to sign these papers to give up his parental rights so he could give Maddie and his baby up for adoption. Like “You can tell all you need to know about someone from the way cows are around him.” ― Gary D. Schmidt, Orbiting Jupiter. Damaged in prison, Joseph wants nothing more than to find his baby daughter, Jupiter, whom he has never seen. The next morning, there is still no sign of Joseph, and Jack misses school. No matter what everyday he went knowing he was going to get beat up. Yes Joseph is young and it would be a lot for him to take care of a baby. This shows sympathy for Joseph because it shows how he cared so much that he would almost kill himself of how bad the weather was to see Maddie. Orbiting Jupiter. Terms in this set (85) ... Chapter 17 Warriors Don't Cry Summary 59 Terms. He doesn’t have anybody. Thank you for commenting and it is hard for him because he didn’t want to give her up. I really agree with everything with your saying. Also he knew that parents were him on the the weekend and they probably not accept the plumbers son hang out with there daughter. Gary D. Schmidt makes Joseph a sympathetic character in chapter 4 of the novel Orbiting Jupiter because of all the negative problems he had in his life. After giving birth, Maddie unfortunately died. Chapter 8 Summary. But the reason why he does that is because his dad at home beats him everyday so he goes to maddies house to forget about it. Gary Schmidt makes Joseph seem like a sympathic character by making him go through the struggles he has to deal with. If I was Joseph I would feel so sad that I would not talk to anybody and I would cry myself to sleep. Joseph walked seven miles through rain and snow to Maddy’s house. Discuss the In chapter four, I Commiserate with Joseph because Joseph has been through some pretty bad stuff in his life. I can’t imagine living in his shoes. For Joseph knowing he could never see Maddy or his baby broke his heart and this is why it made him act in a negative way . Also, what makes you thinks this is what Maddie would have wanted? Anyway, let’s use this. One evening, Hildy arranged for Johnny to bring a date for Katie, so that the two friends could double-date. Orbiting Jupiter Written by Gary D. Schmidt Publisher’s Summary: The two-time Newbery Honor winner Gary D. Schmidt delivers the shattering story of Joseph, a father at thirteen, who has never seen his daughter, Jupiter. Orbiting Jupiter is a 2015 young adult fiction novel written by Gary D. Schmidt, the author of Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy and Okay for Now.The novel is set in rural Eastham, Maine, during the fall and winter of an unnamed modern-day school year. Maddy dies. He didn’t really agree about putting the baby up for adoption but he had no other choice. He was put in there for the reason of having sex at 13 with a very rich girl named Madeline who is the same age as him. The weather forces them to turn back toward home. Gary D. Schmidt makes Joseph a sympathetic character in Orbiting Jupiter. Nick Porter 6. Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 4 . Especially, in this case, when Joseph doesn’t do anything wrong. Taylorfrb. Also for Joesph to take care of the baby himself would be a lot a work and very stressful for Joesph because he has his whole life in front of him. Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 4. Spell. Click the Build Printable button to create the review quiz. He of course wanted to take care of his baby called Jupiter Joyce. I know that Jack wanted to help Joseph get out of the river, but Joseph should’ve gotten one of the cars to stop so he could get help. If his dad cared about him he would not have left him in jail. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of “Orbiting Jupiter” by Gary D. Schmidt. For example, in the novel it says how Maddie was pregnant and they were only 14 years old! Madeline’s parents switched her school because the nanny found Joseph and Madeline together and Madeline got pregnant. Especially the way his life is right now with school because he being bullied. "Jack, 12, tells the gripping story of Joseph, 14, who joins his family as a foster child. Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 4 . 4. 84 words 1 Comment . Dad, Mr. Brooks 5. For example, At the beginning, initially that shows Joseph as sympathetic person is because he would always walk seven miles to go see Maddy, he would walk in the rain or snow to go see her. In the opening chapter, Jack is warned by his parents and Mrs Stroud about Joseph. Yes a lot has happened to Joseph.He walk seven miles to go see Maddy in the snow and rain, he wanted to keep the baby and Maddy did die. His past effects him to make him so sympathetic. In this novel, twelve-year-old Jack tries to understand the troubled life of his new foster brother, Joseph. Mr. Hurd tells Jack and Joseph they must ride the bus to school every day. That is really heartbreaking. When Joseph was telling Jacks family his story he says that his father was the plumber for there family that day. For example when Joe wanted to keep his daughter but then had to put her up for adoption and if he didn’t he would get sewed and when Maddy dies and Joe feels guilty about it.This show that his life is disaster after disaster and how it affects his character and aditude towards things. 3. This is Shakira, my log in isn´t working but I agree with you, Joseph did have a rough life especially with being in jail and having a baby at 14 and not being able to see it and now itś in adoption which is even worst. On top of losing the love of his life, He also had his own daughter taken from him because of some legal issues. Another example is Joseph wanted to keep his child that Maddy and him had. Chapter 6 Summary. Orbiting Jupiter / Gary D. Schmidt. Match. Another example is that Joseph would like to keep the baby. You can customize the printable with the options shown below, or you can just click the Build Printable button to create it now! I do use Google Classroom but it I am unable to access yours. The next morning, Joseph reads in his seat at the back of the bus while Jack’s friends shove him into another seat. Any comment you leave below will be added to the feedback on the draft. Joesph thinks he is capable of being a father at 14 years old. No one wants to be around him. I think that Joseph ran away to find jupiter because maybe she is all he has left. I agree with both of you and yeah Joseph’s father did mentally and physically abused him. I agree with you. Joseph really enjoyed to see Maddy. Not knowing that your girlfriend had a baby and being the cause of her dying. I feel sad because she got pregnant when she was 14 years old. Although I don’t like when it says that the parents wouldn’t want him to hang out with her on the weekend because he is just the plumber’s son. I agree with you I lost a loved one and that’s the hardest thing that can happened and not to able to see someone you love also hurts. conflict/resolution Jack's dad- a hard worker, who protects Joseph like he is his own son. His mood improves, and Jack notices that Joseph is sleeping better, too. I know that Jack wanted to help Joseph get out of the river, but Joseph should’ve gotten one of the cars to stop so he could get help. After she gave birth she died, that is the worst. I feel sympathetic for Joseph because he’s been through so much and he’s only 13. In Chapter 4, Joseph was experiencing many challenges such as getting taken out of school and put in a juvenile facility for boys. In chapter 4 the author Gary D. Schmidt in the novel Orbiting Jupiter makes Joesph a sympathetic character because so many tragic things happened to Joesph throughout his life. Your email address will not be published. He is showing and telling Jack that if there is something (or someone) that you love, you should fight for what is right (Chapter 3/Chapter 4 pages 68-80). Orbiting Jupiter Ending . I agree with you on the part that Joseph’s willingness to walk 14 miles, It’s very sweet of him to do that because not many guys actually walk or make an effort to see the girl they’ve been in love with. Summary. Snow begins to fall as the Hurds look for Joseph. His father didn’t treat him right. I like Joseph because he’s a good kid but was having problems in his life he was living with an abusive father. This makes the reader sympathize with Joseph because he lived a rough life and didn’t behave because of that reason. Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 Chapter 4 - Pluto (not a planet) orbit ± 17 o above the ecliptic - Asteroid Belt – a region between Mars and Jupiter where asteroids, made of metal and rock, orbit - Kuiper Belt – rich in comets (ice-rich). Chapter 14 Warriors Don't Cry Summary 21 Terms. That is true, Virginia. Mr.canton- the vice principle who is a jerk to Joseph and a know it all Mr. D'Uleney- math teacher who inspires Joseph Coach Swieteck- a war veteran who believes and is impressed by Joseph I agree with you it isn’t his fault that he that maddie died during childbirth he feel like it was his fault and he still thinks about her and the baby he feels like she is still alive. Orbiting Jupiter / Gary D. Schmidt. Maddies parents never knew that Joseph was coming to their house and the maid didn’t do anything about it until the last day Joseph This shows that he wants to get away from his house to escape the problems and to go to his friends house and have fun. I don’t think that is fair. What is the significance of the cows in Orbiting Jupiter? Why did he let Joseph leave? In chapter 4 the author Gary D. Schmidt in the novel Orbiting Jupiter makes Joesph a sympathetic character because so many tragic things happened to Joesph throughout his life. Joesph felt terrible and he also felt responsible for the cause of what happened to Maddie. 317 words 2 Comments . He didn’t tell her what his father was doing to him because he wasn’t around anymore to carry the tools”. This makes the reader sympathize Joseph because he would walk to see Maddy no matter what the weather was. With that said, I honestly don’t think he isn’t capable of taking care of a baby. On The Come Up 115 Terms. by : Heather Clark . - Sign up now by clicking here! Joseph has been a good influence in some ways. Orbiting Jupiter: Chapters 7-9 - Quiz For subscribers. Joseph explained that he needed to find Jupiter. Dad, Mr. Hurd 2. Flashcards. Later on, Joesph has to sign adoption papers or else he will face statutory rape. This shows that Joseph liked Maddie because he walked seven miles to get to her house and he had to walk seven miles home. “She never asked him why his face looked so beat up. At dinner that night, the phone rings. Gary d. Schmidt makes Joseph a sympathetic character in orbiting Jupiter because really bad things happen to him. It’s nice that he does anything to be able to see her – his dedication is so sweet. But he’s in a taught spot. Required fields are marked *, What is the sum of 3 and 5. This breaks my heart. I know that Jack was very worried about Joseph when he walked out onto the river, but he shouldn’t have gone out onto the river if he knew that he would have the chance of falling in (Chapter 2 pages 38-39). He walked through the nasty weather and he knows his father is going to beat him up because he doesn’t want to help him with the plumber. This is important because Maddie would have wanted Joesph to give up the baby up for adoption and also because it would be too much work for Joesph to take care of a baby at 14 years old. Liked how you put page number probably should have done that. 83 words 14 Comments . Orbiting Jupiter: Chapters 5-6 - Quiz For subscribers. PLAY. But you would keep sympathetic for Joesph because after Maddie had the baby she died. Damaged in prison, Joseph wants nothing more than to find his baby daughter, Jupiter, whom he has never seen. He was forced to sign the adoption papers and give up his rights,or they were going to accuse him of the rape. I can agree and disagree with you. He wanted to keep her and take care of her but they forced him to give her up. Maddie and Joesph are only 14 years old remember, they are like babies themselves. How does Gary d Schmidt make Joe’s a sympathetic character in chapter 4. For example, the author tells us that Joseph walks seven miles to go to Maddy’s to get get away from his father. But in reality Joseph is only 14 and can not raise a child because he, himself is still growing up. Click the Build Printable button to create the review quiz. In the Story Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt,There are many negative effects that as happened to Joseph.,204,203,200_.jpg. Six Weeks of Reading and Thinking about Orbiting Jupiter Week 5­ p.139­164 (chapter 7) 1. Here are links to our lists for the novel: Chapters 1–2, Chapters 3–4, Chapters 5–6, … When Joseph got arrested his own father didn’t even visit him one time in juvenile. But I also think he should get to see her because that’s still his baby and no one should take that away from him. The librarian follows through on her promise to write Joseph every week. Mrs. Stroud informs the police that Joseph is missing. He had no memory of what he did. Guadalupe Martinez I felt so bad for Joseph that all he wanted was to see the girl he loved and when he got home his father abused him for it. Here are links to our lists for the novel: Chapters 1–2, Chapters 3–4, Chapters 5–6, … This proves how much Joseph wants to get away from home to see Maddy. He is only 13 years old when his whole life changed. We know it wasn’t his fault because he didn’t like kill her but he feels bad because he got her pregnant. His dad may have offered to help him with the baby. But he did not tried to kill the teacher because of his emotions.It’s was because someone give him a powerful drug that made him go crazy. Great! It was tough to think of him enduring the weather and the distance. Chapter 7: In the first chapters of Book 2, readers learn the story of Katie's and Johnny's courtship and wedding. ― Gary D. Schmidt, Orbiting Jupiter. ORBITING JUPITER by Gary D. Schmidt ‧ RELEASE DATE: Oct. 6, 2015 Jackson Hurd’s family has taken in a new foster child, and Jackson will have to find the meanings of love and loyalty as he befriends his foster brother. I strongly agree with you, Manny, because Joseph did walk seven miles to go see Maddy in the snow and rain which is a lot for someone to go see a girl. Do you think the warnings prepare Jack for the trust? The author knows that telling you Jospeh would walk 7 miles to Maddy’s house and 7 miles home to get beaten, means that Joseph really wants to get away from his dreadful life. I agree that Maddy was his escape. Later on he finds out at Maddie died because of giving birth. Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis Chapter 4 Summary Joseph tells the Hurds the story of his relationship with Madeleine Joyce, or Maddie. One evening, Hildy arranged for Johnny to bring a date for Katie, so that the two friends could double-date. This is another way that he emphasizes sympathy for Joseph because his girlfriend that he loved so much died because he had sex with her, also Joseph took it as that he killed her because they had sex making her pregnant and giving birth. A vocabulary list featuring "Orbiting Jupiter" by Gary D. Schmidt, Chapters 1–2. This makes you sympathize for Jospeh because, you can infer that he has a rough life and is willing to walk 7 miles there and seven miles back to get away from home. I think Joseph is not a bad influence or a great influence on Jack. This proves how the author wants you to feel sympathetic for Joseph. They should at least let him visit her once a day for 1-2 hours. Joseph can’t see his daughter. KatieCostello. This is important because Joseph knew that everyday when he got home he was going to get beat up by his dad. He lost the love of his life, in my opinion, that is the worst of all that happened. You can customize the printable with the options shown below, or you can just click the Build Printable button to create it now! This shows that Joseph is a sympathetic character because he was will do anything to see Maddie. STUDY. by : Emma ... (Chapter 2 pages 38-39). 2. Orbiting Jupiter Chapters 8-9 Summary & Analysis. I really like how you added the chapter number and the page number, you did a really good job! On the other hand, everyday when Joseph got home from Maddy’s house his father abused him everyday. I feel bad for Joseph, especially in the way he found out about his baby. That is a good point. Rosie The social worker showed Joseph a picture of his baby that he didn’t know about, she also told him that they’d have to put the baby up for adoption. He did one little thing thing that messed up his whole life. I agree with your comment because he is too young and he doesn’t know how to take care of his own self and he wants to take care of his baby girl. Remember-your new ending must correlate with the entirety of the book and maintain coherency of the book. by : Tommy . That’s cool I never thought that. Joseph walked seven miles 5 days a week to see Maddy, no matter what kind of weather it was outside. They take away his one true love with his baby. Joseph would do anything to see Maddie because he loved her so much. Parents need to know that Orbiting Jupiter is a heartrendingly tragic -- yet stubbornly hopeful -- novel by Newbery Honor-winning author Gary D. Schmidt (The Wednesday Wars).The teenage father faces judgmental treatment and rude comments in his new community, and he's targeted by a trio of bullies. I did not that think of that that’s a good one. Reader feel sympathetic for him to take care of a baby and being the cause of happened! Got pregnant when she was 14 years old is crazy to accuse him of the book maintain! 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